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Enroll Now for a Life-Changing Journey!

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey through the Bible? Join the OurTestimony.org Bible Class and experience the power of shared learning, faith, and fellowship. Enrollment is now open for class of 2025!
What is the Bible Challenge class and how did the idea come about?
The Bible Challenge class is a Holy Spirit breathed initiative to get Christians to read the Bible in one year. The class lasts for 312 days and so the 2025 class ends on November 8,2025. This early completion allows time for those who are slower to complete and for the class monitor to conduct remedial classes.

The historical class enrollment and completion rates are as follows:

  • Class of 2022: 29 students, 55% completion rate.
  • Class of 2023: 79 students, 56% completion rate.

The class is actively led by Senior Pastor, D E Wasake who describes how it came about as follows: "In December 2021, I Dickson Wasake, a slave of Jesus felt I should ask my friends and family if there were those who wanted to read the entire bible in one year in 2022. I had come to the Lord and got baptised through reading the bible for myself and had read it cover to cover a few times and my life had been turned upside down.

So, the Lord wanted me to repeat what I did in secret with him, with others. I hoped maybe even just 5 would join me. I was surprised! The Lord Jesus sent 28 people to join the class that year! We had people from the USA, UK, Mauritius, Jersey and Uganda. 8 of the class comprised of my relatives (2 aunties, 1 uncle and 5 were cousins). This was especially encouraging as I suppose the light of Christ in me had given me a good testimony. It also did not matter what church they attended (or didn’t attend) and which denomination they came, we were united in Christ whose church is universal."

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It is not too late to start Bible reading

Bible reading Join Now

What is the cost of the class?
The class is COMPLETELY FREE and no one is under any compulsion to give. The Lord however loves a cheerful giver, so if someone is moved by the Lord to give to the work we do, they can do so here.

How does the class work in detail? (Bible Reading Plan)
The class works as follows:
  • All class mates sign up to join the class via the sign-up form on the site. The 2025 class begins on January 1, 2025 at 8.00 am CST. We will contact you shortly before the class starts with detailed joining instructions and guidance.
  • The class mates then sign up to a specific online daily reading plan from YouVersion’s bible.com.You can read or listen (there is audio for certain Bible translations).
  • Those who have no smart phones can follow along using a paper based plan – and then reading their physical Bibles.
  • Someone then daily reads about 15 minutes of the Bible in line with the reading plan, which covers a little of the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms. This approach is different from what most people expect (for example reading from Genesis at the start) It ensures you get variety and because of this variety, the class has had great finish rates. For the last 2 years, at least 55% of class mates have finished.
  • We have an active WhatsApp community led by the Class monitor (senior Pastor, D E Wasake) and assisted by various “accountability leaders.” This community fosters encouragement, and accountability. As part of it, we have daily prayers offered to our Lord and God. The Lord also often speaks to us through prophetic words to encourage us along the journey and these are recorded monthly on the YouTube page. Examples from 2022 are here.
  • At the end of every month, classmates MUST submit monthly "roll call" submissions – a screen shot of their progress in line with the plan. The class monitor (or assistants) follow up on those who are lagging behind to ensure accountability.
What Has Happened on the Journey (Testimonies)

Participants shared monthly prophetic words, witnessing breakthroughs and miracles. Many finished with testimonies of healing, restored families, and newfound purpose. Those who completed often return for a second or third time, hungry for more of the Lord's presence. Here are some testimonies:

I found favour in so many things.

"This class has been a blessing in many ways. I started out because I was really anticipating a busy year and indeed it became busy, but I knew I needed to be deliberate about God’s word. As a result, I have really found favour in so many things I have set my heart out to do. Lots of contacts and partners I could only dream of, opportunities I would never have found in my own capacity and every set back had a silver lining that was even bigger than the opportunity lost. I have been able to meet some of my goals in up to 1/5th of the time I had set out to and I don’t any of that for granted." Julius I. [From Uganda] who finished 1st in the class of 2022.

I have finished but I will still read.

"God has enabled me to finish reading the Bible [this year], however I will still read the word of God [in the future] because as Christians, we need constant reminders of what God is telling us in His word. Thank you, Father, for this great opportunity and wisdom. Amen! Thank you [Dickson] for being an accountable leader, one who prayed, checked on each and everyone of us, made sure we never got off track. Thank you very much and God bless you!" Norah W. Class of 2022.

I was 45 days behind at one point!

"We [Rishi, my husband and I] were 45 days behind and then 30 and then they kept reducing. I said I needed to complete the plan within the set timeline. I therefore started reading at work as well, instead of scrolling on FB 😊 Thank you so much for your prayers." Karishma and Rishi [From Mauritius]. Class of 2022.

I can’t believe it I’ve read the Bible in less than a year

Honestly, I can’t believe I’ve read the Bible in less than a year, even with all the things that were happening [I was for example expecting a child]. God is so gracious! Justine T. Class of 2022.

Not that it matters to anyone, but I too finished this year.

"Not that it matters as much to anyone [Since I am reading for my 5th time] but I too have finished 😊. This year I read the MSG version and it has been very amazing. I however do not encourage that you [a new reader/believer] start with this version. Its best to start with a version like NLT, AMP or GNT – such versions are more of word for word translations and will give you the grounding you need and then only much later should you turn to MSG, but in the Bible reading app, when you read, you can use the “compare” feature for passages. This [feature] is really good! I will end [the class] with what Psalm 150 said: “Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord!” Hallelujah! Thank God he helped me finish too! Dickson W, class monitor [to the class of 2022].

I was Spirit filled but reading the Bible was a mountain!

Man of God, I was a Spirit filled since I got saved in 2002 [so I am a senior citizen in salvation] but reading the entire Bible was a big mountain to move and whenever I would try, I would doze off and give up but your prayers took the spell of sleep away and I give God the glory and your monitoring made me push on and I even finished reading the Bible without realizing. It is not an easy achievement and I am humbled. I am now doing a quiz on the Bible and it is also making me realize I really read and mastered some scriptures and now my prayer for me is to quote scriptures like how powerful men and women do for I am destined for a bigger job ahead of me in God’s vineyard, amen! I have decided to enrol again and will use another Bible version. All glory and honour to Almighty God, a Miracle working God. Ayii!! Ayii!! Pastor Jackline M [Uganda]. Class of 2022.

I completed but some chapters were harder

I completed the Bible! It feels good but I must admit that although I have completed, some chapters were harder to understand. I hope to read again and again to understand [more] fully. Pamela M.B, [From the UK]. Class of 2022.

I have learned to pray using the word as a sword

Hello brethren, I hope the mighty God has kept you well. I thank God for his love, care and blessings. He has been so good, and has made a way where it seemed to be now way. He has done wonderful things in my life and I really thank him. He who helped me to finish the Bible will also help those [others who want to finish] coz I have seen his goodness. I have learnt how to pray using his word coz it is a sword and He who led the Israelites from Egypt will always lead us. Remember he loved Israel and who is Israel? It is us. I am still reading the Bible and I will read it again and again coz I want know him more and more! Keep the candle burning, let’s look for heaven. Sarah A. M. class of 2022

The snail has finally reached [I got a dream from the Lord].

The snail has finally reached! Praise the Lord! Surely at one stage, I had almost given up, but I thank God. My testimony about the Bible challenge is this:

I want to thank God for the privilege or rather opportunity to participate in this one-year plan. Let me highlight a few things below:

  1. First and foremost, the challenge has helped me read those scriptures that I wouldn’t read on a normal day. For instance, I call them the “he begot” scriptures. In this plan, I had to read them anyway. I thank God for that.
  2. Nowadays I look forward to sermons because when preachers refer to a story in the Bible, I know exactly what he is taking about. I can almost jump up with joy, with desire to complete the story for the preacher. In other words, I can now relate with the preachers.
  3. There was a time when my house help went and didn’t come back. I was always tired, work then home, then super active children. I was 53 days behind. I almost gave up. I actually decided to withdraw from the class. I was busy trying to come up with an excuse to tell the class monitor (Dickson), then I had a dream. In the dream I was with a group of people that I didn’t know very well going for a trip on a ship. Before boarding, we had to go through a number of checkpoints but for some reason I reached every check point a bit later when they were about to close. I struggled through until I finally boarded the ship but late. When the ship was about to sail, I woke up. I asked God for the interpretation and the Bible Challenge Class came to mind. That’s how I reorganized myself and here we are! Stella M.O. Class of 2022

Yay! Let’s Celebrate.

I’ve completed the Bible in one year! Yay! Let’s celebrate and praise God because he is good! Octavia C [Jersey]. Class of 2022

9 years in prayer for my husband to read the Bible!

Praise The Lord. I thank God for giving me an opportunity to testify of what He has done for me. For years I have been praying for my husband to read The Bible. It has taken me 9 years in prayer for the same. At one point I became a nagging woman about this matter. I have always felt empty moving in my relationship with someone who is, I would call “invalid” for the Bible instructs us to meeting understanding first besides other things. Ooh the burden was too heavy on me. This year we both joined a group called Bible challenge class 2023 in January. The Lord answered my prayer. We are over 75 people on the group but my husband emerged to be the first to finish reading the Bible in the space of 4 months. He started again and by end of this year, he will be finishing the second year. Am so grateful to my God because not only has he read his Bible but also spiritually and physically everything about him is changing for better. All the glory and honour I return to my God. Ebenezer. Harriet N. Class of 2023

8 consecutive years of trying and failing to read the Bible

At the beginning of 2023, I received an invitation from brother Dickson Wasake to join the Bible reading class of 2023, and I happily accepted the invitation. To give more context to this decision, I received a similar invitation at the beginning of the previous year, 2022, but had declined it because I had embarked on a similar journey at the beginning of 2022 to read the bible through the year. That bible journey of 2022 was actually the 8th consecutive year I was trying to read the bible, in response to a clear instruction I had gotten from The Lord in 2014 to read his word.

So for 8 consecutive years, I had made the decision every January to read the bible, but had never been successful in doing so, because I would run out of steam a few months into the journey.

Therefore when I received the invitation in 2023, rather than trying for the 9th consecutive year on my own, I decided to humble myself, accept the invitation from brother Dickson to join a group of others doing the same, and this was my best decision in 2023. I started with my class on 1st January 2023 and by God's grace was able to finish early on 18th June 2023, and read the bible of a period of 168 days or 24 weeks. The journey through the bible was a profound experience, from which I have drawn numerous lessons, a key one being the decision to read the bible even more and learn God's word, so that I may know Him and purposefully live out my part in His eternal plan. For anyone who has not read the entire bible before, I implore you to do so, and to do so alongside others. It will be a remarkable transformative journey, that will impact your destiny for ever. I bless The Lord for brother Dickson and the team at Shawele Road Ministries for their love and heart of service to grow and strengthen the body of Christ around the world. Kwame R. Class of 2023

Musumba! (Pastor) I have completed the Bible for the second time.

Musumba! Musumba! Musumba! I have called you three times because am happy, glad and blessed again under your guidance / whip🤦, that I have completed the bible for the second time.

I have revisted the same scriptures i read in 2022 but amazingly each time I have been getting new revelations and that has remained a mystery to me. Its amazing how now in conversations with friends and family I can remember what the bible says about a situation and I relate to it and to me that’s practicing what i have been reading.

Am very sure if it was not the bible reading I wouldn’t have reached that state. There is a remarkable addition in value to my spirit most especially this second time, which has been a completely different experience. “Obedience is better than sacrifice” thanks for obeying the instructions as far as changing spiritual and physical lives of others like me.
May God continue to use you, guide you and protect you.
May his light continue shinning upon you.
May you not die before your time but leave longer to continue testifying of his Goodness in this land of the living.
"I was young and now old but have never seen the righteous foresaken or their children beg for bread"
May that be your portion and above all, may He grant you knowledge, wisdom and understanding to effectively and efficiently guide us because you are positioning us for Kingdom responsibilities.
You are helping us rediscover our God given purpose in his Kingdom. Let me stop here coz am getting emotional but thanks for not tiring because we were tiring and lagging behind at some point. I love the fact that you hate to see us lagging behind.

Thanks my pastor brother and friend. As you have always ended your Youtube presentations, allow me also say “Maranatha.” Augustine W. Class of 2022 & 2023.

I did not even welcome the Bible challenge at first!

I'm so humbled to say thank you. I'm so grateful to God for using you and thank you for accepting to carry this mandate for people like us.

I felt so much joy from the bottom of my heart and in my spirit when I was reading my last scriptures, I felt like tears flowing. It is hard to reconcile that I have actually made my first Bible reading (in life) from Genesis to Revelation.

It is something I had tried and tried for years, preached and taught in the power of the Holy Spirit, to hundreds of people, miracles happening, changing lives, but I had never made it to the joy of Genesis to Revelation.

I bless the Lord for my wife who brought to me the “Good news” about the Bible Challenge which I didn't even welcome at first but when she completed her first year, I celebrated her and some how made up my mind to give it a try.

When I joined, I convinced some other few to join but I didn't actually have the full experience of how it works. Now!! I'm fully persuaded and this time round I will draw many. I bless the Lord so much for this is not just fun reading the Bible with a certain group of people but allowing God to have His way in you.

Testify with them that testify and let the glory to the father. Grace and Peace unto you. Pastor Hudson T. Class of 2023

Why Join Our Bible Class?
  • Deep Dive into Scriptures: Immerse yourself in the rich teachings of the Bible. If you have questions, you have experienced instructors who can share with you insight.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage in discussions, ask questions, and connect with fellow learners in a supportive and interactive virtual environment. The app has an audio version and you can read in hundreds of languages.
  • Flexible Learning Schedule: As you are reading on your own (and have access to the class to ask questions), this gives you flexibility to read as you can and so accommodates various time zones, making it convenient for you to participate.
What to Expect
  • Engaging Sessions: Our class is designed to be engaging, thought-provoking, and spiritually enriching.
  • Community Building: Connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for learning and growing in faith.
  • Practical Application: With the Holy Spirit as your teacher, you will learn not only the theoretical aspects of the Bible but also how to apply its teachings to your everyday life.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Is the Bible Class free? Yes, our Bible Class is completely free of charge.
  • Can I join if I am a beginner in Bible studies? Absolutely! As you are reading daily for only about 15 minutes, it caters to all levels of understanding, and beginners are warmly welcomed. You have experienced instructors to assist you if you have questions.
  • How often are the classes held? As it is “self-reading” but with accountability and follow up, you are reading in line with your time zone. If you submit your “roll call” when requested, you will be “SAFE” from the class monitor who is consumed by zeal for the Lord and so will follow up with you if you are late!
  • What if I join the class late? The 2025 class begins on January 1, 2025 but we keep the enrollment open for “late comers” typically until end of January. If you however come after that, you are free to get the reading plan on the app and read on your own and submit regular screen shots to the class monitor but you will be behind the other class mates.
  • I have no smart phone, how can I read? Those who have no smart phones can follow along using a paper based plan – and then read along using their physical Bibles. They will have no screen shot to submit, but can send a confirmation of progress to the class monitor and the WhatsApp group monthly as other classmates.
  • What does your ministry get out of offering this class for free? As explained by Senior Pastor D E Wasake: "I am a slave of the Lord Jesus and I am eternally grateful to him, for he was kind to lift me, the worst of sinners out of deep waters through reading the Bible for myself. I have experienced an abundant life because of my radical encounter with the Jesus of the Bible and so I want everyone everywhere to experience this same Jesus. When I started this Bible class, the Lord Jesus told me to take care of his lambs and his sheep and I am not to lose anyone of them and so If I can get 1 more person to read the Bible and experience salvation for themselves, I have done my duty to the glory of my Lord who has kept a reward for me that no human being can give me. This is the zeal that keeps me going."
Ready to get started? Join the Bible Class Now and let the learning begin!

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