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Making haste to do God's will

In a previous message "A very strange reward for faithfulness" we saw the faithful king Hezekiah being attacked for being faithful. But before his attack, how did he start his life of faith?

He started his life of faith in an evil environment.

Hezekiah's father Ahaz was a really evil king... his father had worshipped the detestable BAAL gods whom God hated and had even had the house of God boarded up, BUT not Hezekiah!

As soon as his father was dead and he became King, the scriptures say this about him:

"In the first month of the first year of his reign, Hezekiah opened and repaired the doors of the house of the Lord." 2 Chronicles 29:3 BSB

Hezekiah didn't wait until he had a big new job party (coronation), he didn't wait until he had made some "ka money" (collecting taxes) and he didn't even wait until he was no longer tired (well rested). He immediately set about the most important thing - God's business.

In the first year, in the first month!

You and I should learn from his example how to set our priorities. Many of us postpone God's business:

  • to when we are not so tired.
  • to when it is convenient.
  • to when we "feel like it" (How foolish! for the heart is deceitful above all else).
  • to when we are settled and happy (Please excuse me, I cannot come to the banquet: I have just bought me a house, a field; I have just married).
  • when we have no more problems (I am sick, I have lost someone, I have lost a job, my relatives hate me, I am sad).

It is my prayer that first - you will take comfort that if you come from an evil lineage (like Hezekiah's father) you will boldly say: "That's not my portion!" It is even a better prayer that you will be so zealous for the Lord, such that you will make haste to go about your father's business. It is also my prayer that the business of God will become your priority - over your job, over your body's demands and even over yourself.

 Oh Lord! help us to deny ourselves and follow you! Help us to take up our cross and follow you. Help us to "hate" mother and father and brother and sister for your sake. Help us to cling to you, like faithful Hezekiah! In your name Jesus I have prayed; amen!

  • Making haste to do God's will
  • Being alert and sober
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