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Request for Prayer Be part of the Mission
See What God Has Done For Others


Greetings beloved in Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is written : " They overcame by the blood of Jesus and the Word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death.”" ( Revelation 12:11). I testify at this exact moment because I sense one may be encouraged by my story on how a prodigal son came to Christ and is being transformed now by the Holy Spirit now for 16 years. My journey as a believer in a catholic believing family from Cameroon. My parents were civil servants, actually mom was a highschool teacher and dad was an University teacher. I was raised to give emphasy on my education for my parents believed that good education was the only and principal asset to possess to be successful in the modern society and therefore religion didnot help much to change my values as a catholic. I was suite a brillant studen during m'y primary, secondary, and University curriculum. Always having a grade A, I became the promising professional which my mom cherished si deeply sparing no financial effort to afford my tuition at Suffolk University Dakar Campus. It was almost at the end of my bachelor degree in business administration that what would led to my encounter with Jesus Christ started unfolding. My mom who had had promotions in her career few years back was suddenly dismissed from office and could no more afford my tuition. I was then forced to return to my homeland Cameroon, depressed, full anger and bitterness. My whole perspective in life had just collapsed so closed to the final destination. Upon my return in Cameroon, I was really depressed for almost 5 to 6 years , routinely and consistantly smoking weed until one faithful my elder sister came back home and told me she met with an evangelist who spoke about my life in Senegal . I was shocked because during my entire life in religion I was never expose to the revelatory dimension of a man of GOD. I was excited to meet with the evangelist the very day my sister finally took me to his office. I wanted to confirm that a man of GOD could really see inside the life of someone he never knew before and the details he shared about life was what push me to know The Lord Jesus which that evangelist was so intimate with. It was that day, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Saviour, thus beginning my journey in the school of The Spirit. My itinerary after that encounter with the man of GOD has been unpredictable up to this day. For the first time , I have an entire new perspective about my ordeal at Suffolk University Dakar Campus , I was able to fine confidence again in my life and I was no more feeling helpless with my Lord Jesus having my back. I began to get my life back on track without being judgemental at anyone knowing that my ordeal was serving a divine purpose . I became a new brother of the Full Gospel Church and that is how I was exposed to my divine calling to serve The Lord in ministry. There was a mom with prophetic gift at The full Gospel Church who mentored me and led me to a prophetic nigerian church based in my city Yaoundé and unknowingly to me as I followed the counseling of that Mum, I received a confirmation of my divine calling into priesthood when I met for the first time with the Pastor of that nigerian congregation. His words to me were : "come back to see me with your mother then I will tell you why you were born." It finally happened that when I and my biological mother went back to see him, he asked my mother if she promised to God to give me as a seed to His service provided that The Lord would allow her to come alive from her excrutiating , long , and fearful labour when she was about to put me to bed. My biological mothered answered him with tears in her eyes yes. Then, the Pastor said The Lord is now requesting His seed for His service that's the reason why God had to allow my ordeal at Suffolk University Dakar Campus . I, today admits that I was an arrogant, proud, self-sufficient young man at that time and my painful experience in Senegal has humble me and turned me to a sheep dependant of his Shepherd in all. My training at that nigerian church was also a tough experience. I was living in the church which premice was an open hall in the air with just few uncompleted rooms behind. We had no sanitary facilities there. I was the church caretaker, cleaner, assistant pastor, interpreter and intercessor in the prayer warriors department for 4 years. Through my training I noticed a certain imbalance between The Word and the administration of the Holy Spirit. I prayed about it and the Holy Spirit convince to join an evangelical seminary. The Pastor of the nigerian church disagreed with me but I was confident that what The Lord wanted me to do was to join the seminary. This was how we separated. Now, I am serving as a pastor at the Light Mission International Church where I introduced to the general overseer by wife who is also pastoring there .




Rev. Dr Leslie Nsame Nfor



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